Africa Oil is committed to creating shared prosperity with host communities located near to our operations through our local sourcing and social investment activities.
Social investment initiative reflect the local context and the development stage of activities, they fall into three priority themes as set out in our Social Investment Framework:
Africa Oil aims to enhance the quality of life in local communities and establish a durable social license to operate.
Africa Oil works closely with local and national stakeholders to identify social investment needs where Africa Oil could play a catalytic role. Projects are screened against a range of criteria, including:
Type and Scale of Impact
What impact will the project have on local communities and how does it fit within the priority themes? How many people will the project benefit?
Is there demonstrated local ownership over the project and and a clear pathway to long term sustainability?
Given the uncertainty of exploration activities, do project timelines align with operational timelines to ensure adequate oversight on project delivery and results?
Capacity to execute
Do local development partners have a demonstrated track record to ensure results and to secure support from local communities?
Cost effectiveness
How effective are the proposed activities in generating the target results?