
Africa Oil Corp. (“Africa Oil”) is committed to operating in a safe and responsible manner.

Our goal is to ensure that activities for which we are responsible cause no harm. We put the protection of people and property first and will meet or surpass the applicable health and safety laws and regulations of the countries in which we operate. We plan and manage our activities based on good international industry practice including the Performance Standards on Environmental and Social Sustainability of the International Finance Corporation. Where national law and good industry practice differ, we will follow the most stringent requirement.

2022-05-12 AOI - Health & Safety Policy PDF

Our Commitments

We apply high standards of practice through a process of continual improvement of our management system and adoption of international standards.

Our Health and Safety Philosophy

  • Work-related incidents, illnesses and injuries are preventable.
  • There is a safe and correct way of doing every task, however urgent or important.
  • All employees are responsible for their own actions and the workplace health and safety of their fellow workers.
  • We will investigate the root cause and take appropriate remedial action to prevent them from reoccurring.
  • We encourage open and honest communications.
  • We hold ourselves and our contractors accountable for compliance with our policies and procedures.
  • Should operational goals and safety considerations ever come into conflict, staff and contractors have a responsibility to choose safety over operational results, and our leadership will always support that choice. This includes the responsibility to stop a job whenever activities may conflict with this Policy.

Operational Planning

  • We will identify and manage risks on a proactive basis - foreseeable hazards must be identified, the associated risk assessed and, where reasonably practical, eliminated or minimized to an acceptable level.
  • We will develop an appropriate and effective management system to implement this Policy, including Occupational Health and Safety policies, procedures and guidelines where these are needed.
  • We will plan and be prepared for potential emergency situations and public health scenarios to ensure the health and safety of our employees and contractors.
  • In case of unexpected incidents or events, priority is always given to prevent harm to individuals, the environment, assets, reputation and to re-establish control.


  • All staff and contractors will be provided with a health and safety induction and the appropriate resources to complete their tasks efficiently and safely, with clear accountabilities and in accordance with our policies and procedures.
  • We will develop our employees in all areas, giving them the knowledge and skills to enable them to perform their jobs in a safe manner.

Monitoring and Reporting

  • We will measure our performance and strive for continuous improvement.
  • We regularly review our objectives and targets for improved occupational health and safety performance and report our performance externally to our stakeholders in a timely and transparent manner.
  • Our target is to achieve zero fatalities and zero accidents on all our operated and non-operated assets.



This Policy applies to all staff at Africa Oil and our Operated Assets, including our contractors and sub- contractors.

Where we do not have operational control, we encourage, support and work with our operating partners to the extent possible to act in a manner consistent with the commitments set out in this Policy.

This Policy will be reviewed on a regular basis to ensure that it continues to support and encourage a high standard of health and safety performance on our projects.


Africa Oil’s Chief Operating Officer has overall responsibility for the implementation and enforcement of this policy.

Senior leadership within Africa Oil and its subsidiaries are accountable for the implementation of, and adherence to, this Policy.

Adopted by the Board on May 6, 2021